Saturday, July 2, 2011


I get bored easily. So I changed all my background and font settings. YAYY. 

Yesterday I volunteered at the hospital in the afternoon, filing and faxing for Brenda. After that, I hung out with my boyfriend... we ate almost an entire 16 inch pizza. It was kind of embarrassing. Then we went to adoration and hung out and such. 

This morning I got up bright and early to go to the Farmers Market with Laura and Laina. I'd never been to ours before (or any for that matter... except Pikes Place in Seattle - the city of my dreams), so I was super excited. We walked around for a while and bought GORGEOUS sunflowers for only $1. I got a dark chocolate croissant for breakfast and bought some white cheddar cheese. Between the three of us, we had bought the beginnings of what looked like a good lunch, so we ran to Fresh Market to get the rest of the things we needed. 

We ended up having a wonderful gourmet lunch of sauteed asparagus and kale, rosemary champagne noodles with a white cheddar garlic wine sauce, rosemary seasalt bread and a kale stalk and apple salad. It was delicious! 

my beautiful sunflower!

Tonight I have one final Celebrate America dress rehearsal... the end is finally near! Unfortunately it's like 100 degrees outside... and the performance is outside too. Plus, the backstage/dressing room area is 20 degrees hotter than it is outside. The damn men get an air conditioned dressing room. NOT ok. 

Family from Colorado is coming to town tomorrow, so I'll be pretty busy with that and finishing some summer economics homework. Oh, so fun!

"We all have dreams. The question is, does the dream control you or do you control the dream?"

peace, love and merry-go-rounds,
maggie erica. 


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