Sunday, November 27, 2011


I'm kind of an embarrassment of a human being. I had about 10 million things to accomplish this weekend and I did one of them. Story of my life. But, I have carefully allotted my time so that I will get everything done by its due date... except my full ride scholarship essay. I should have the most motivation to do that, right? However, since the chances of my winning are slim to none, I can't bring myself to spend the time writing it. In other news, I currently cannot feel my fingers because they are so cold. Such is my life.

Recently, I've been feeling really chill regardless of the fact that I have so much to do.. and I've been hardcore obsessing over random things. Here's the list.
1) Google Chrome Christmas mahjong - the number 1 cause of my procrastination.
2) Justin Bieber's Under the Mistletoe album - I usually hate Christmas music, but it's JB so what's not to like?
3) Jenna Marbles and Smosh youtube videos - self-explanatory, let's be honest.
4) Edward's toast at the wedding in Breaking Dawn - love the movie or hate it, what he says is super romantic... "It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone you can bare your soul to and they accept you for who you are. I've been waiting for what seems like a very long time to get beyond what I am and with you, I feel like I can finally begin... No measure of time with you will be long enough, but let's start with forever."
everything about this picture screams 'what the hell are you doing with your life maggie?'

Friday, November 25, 2011

black friday.

look at what I figured out how to do! mmmm, new sweater!
Yesterday was Thanksgiving and it was a wonderful day spent with my family. We went to my aunt and uncle's house in LeRoy for dinner and then just hung out and Adam came to meet the family for the first time! Then at midnight, my mom, Meghan and I went shopping! There were so so many people there and the lines were ridiculous... but we ended up saving a ton of money, so it was worth it. We especially got a lot of movies and bath type stuff, which is wonderful for me. My family has always had a really small movie collection and we usually have to rent anything that I'd want to watch, but now we actually have some really good ones! We got home at around 5:30 and then I went straight to sleep. I woke up around 10:30, so although I didn't get a great nights sleep, it'll have to suffice, because I get to go meet a lot of Adam's family tonight! Right now, I'm vegging and listening to the Mitch Hansen Band... which is totally random, but I'm feeling it at the moment. Don't judge me too hard.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I guess it's not technically my birthday anymore... but my day was too packed with goodness to blog during it! I'm super tired so I'm just gonna give you a super speedy run down. Basically, Adam had a day full of surprises planned for me and so it was super wonderful! I am so spoiled by him and my family, it's ridiculous. I got to spend a lot of the day with my wonderful parents too, so I'm a happy legal adult. So far I haven't done anything that I wouldn't have been able to yesterday... to be honest, I doubt I will anytime in the near future. In the spirit of thanksgiving, which is technically today, I'm so thankful for my parents, boyfriend and best friends. I don't know where I'd be without them. I don't know what I did to be so blessed, but I feel lucky to have them in my life.

dude, i got the j.biebs christmas album from my mama. and adam gave me j.biebs action figures. greatest thing evah.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Weeelll, today is our seven month anniversary... but we didn't do anything exciting.. I actually didn't even get to see him. But that's a-okay because tomorrow is my BIRTHDAYYY! In my family, birthdays are a really big deal, so I get really excited about it. Hopefully it'll be a wonderful day spent with my family and Adam, plus I have enough school to get to see my friends, but no classes or anything. I have to read at mass though... which always freaks me out a little bit. Today's blog is sheerly out of boredom. Literally, I'm so bored I cleaned my room. You know how often that happens? Never. And then I plucked my eyebrows. And then I wrote a scholarship essay. And then I bought music on iTunes. And then I read a book. And then I wasted time on the internet. And now I'm here. I clearly don't handle free time well. Ugh... oh well. Such is life I suppose!

look a kitty!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

best days.

I survived the crazy week! I have scholarships riding on me pretty hard so I should probably finish those... but I don't want to! Last night was my birthday party, which was fabulous! I know I've said this before, but I literally have the best friends ever. Like, I honestly don't know what I would do without them. So that was wonderful and then we went to see Breaking Dawn, which I actually thought was really good! I mean, I laughed at some of the parts that were supposed to be serious... but that's okay. Overall, I think I may have liked it better than the actual book and it's definitely the best of the movies. Today I hung out with my grandma for her birthday and then hung out with Meggggo. Tonight, Adam came over and we watched HP pt. 2. Not gonna lie, it was a strugg to stay awake since I saw Breaking Dawn at midnight last night. But I ate pizza and desserts, so everything is goood. Tomorrow is gonna be really rough for me... we'll see how it goes. It's almost my birthday though, so I'm super psyched!

birthday dinner!

these girls keep me sane. or at least, more sane than i would normally be.

my new blanket from aly and meghan! ignore the hot mess look...


Sunday, November 13, 2011

rent pandora.

I.Love.Pandora.So.Much. My weekend has been soundtracked by pandora. Not gonna lie, I've shaped some fabulous stations. The very best is my Hey There Delilah station... I've had it the longest and have put a lot of likes/dislikes into it so it almost unfailingly will play a song I love. Recently, I made a Taylor Swift station that plays almost the exact same things as my Hey There Delilah station, but with some added TSwizzle and Carrie Underwood. My pride and joy of the moment though would have to be my Rent station. It's been playing non-stop Rent, Wicked and Hairspray music for me for the last 3 hours with an occasional Disney song too. It's definitely going to be the thing that gets me through my outrageously busy week. But before I go into that, I'll give you a quick weekend recap...

On Saturday, I went with my mom and dad out to my grandma's house and talked with her for a while before we took her out to lunch. After that, I went to Barnes and Noble with Laura and we looked at NYC guide books (planning for our graduation trip!!) and did crossword puzzles/looked at magazines! That night, we went to U-High for the Orchesis Intercity Dance Company's fall recital. It was soo so good! Some of the dances were kind of sketchy, but in general, I was really impressed! Then, this morning, I slept in, ate a muffin and went to church. The highlight of my day though was hanging out with Adam and his six year old sister. We ate sandwiches and watched the Phineas and Ferb movie and the three of us cuddled. Once that was over, we watched a Care Bears movie and let me just tell you, that show is weird as fuck. They all went into the forest of feelings and talked about their problems.. I'm convinced that it was either written by psychologists or a bunch of people who were really really high. Then we played some games, which was especially fun for me since I was an only child and didn't really have people to play games with when I was her age. The rest of my night was spent reading Frankenstein and writing scholarship essays. Oh boy... life is exciting.

This week is literally going to eat me alive. Tomorrow I have school, then choir, then a psychologist's appointment (yepp, I go see one of those, she's a live saver for sure), then cheer practice, then I'm probably going to spend a little time with Adam. Tuesday I have cheer practice and band cheer auditions (that's gonna go really really badly..). Wednesday is my cheer and dance night and then Thursday I have dance and the "Intercity cheerleader get-together"... doesn't that just sound like assloads of enjoyment? I don't think it does.. But, Friday is going to be my 18th birthday party! I'm really looking forward to spending time with my girls! Then who knows what'll happen next weekend... I know I'll be seeing Breaking Dawn. That's gonna be HILARIOUSSS.

Don't expect to hear too much from me in the near future... life shows no signs of slowing down. To make up for it, you get a shit ton of pictures that I found on weheartit. Like literally, a shit ton.

this one makes me laugh everytime

teehee, so cute! watched this movie todaaay

love this song.

so cute!

lovin me some rent this weekend

i kinda want my wedding ring to be like this but with diamonds in the infinity symbol

i should be going to see russell brand do stand up on wednesday but nooo, my parents are party poopers

more rent-y rent!

Friday, November 11, 2011


It's 11.11.11! Obviously, this is a big deal. And of course I made a wish at 11:11 and I plan to make another one in a little over an hour. I've had several people ask me what I wished for, but clearly if I told them, it wouldn't come true. Today has been an un-extravagant day other than the fact that it's 11.11.11. After school today, I was in my garage cleaning my car (yes, I cleaned my car!) and when Meghan came over. She asked me if I had seen the protesters down the street. I clearly had not, so we chased after them, but couldn't catch up. Considering I live in a peaceful upper-middle class neighborhood, we don't get a lot of protests.. and by that I mean we don't ever have any. But there were a bunch of anti-war protesters there today for some reason. It was craaazy. Then I went to the fall play at school. Although the acting sucked ass, it was hilarious and I literally laughed through the entire thing. Soooo funny!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

i'm so college.

Guess who's going to college. That's right, this kid riiiight here! I got into SLU! Yesterday I was literally jumping up and down and freaking out when I found out. And not only did I get in, but I got the highest merit scholarship possible! Weeeeeee! It's all really exciting for me!

In other news, it's officially winter outside. It is so effing cold I could cry. Right now, I'm cuddled up in my bed with like 20 layers on my body. But on the upside, it's supposed to snow tonight! I absolutely love snow. Every year, I ask for snow for my birthday... although no one can make it snow on November 23rd, I get really excited when it happens! Last year it actually did and I was ecstatic. So hopefully it will happen again this year. A snow day tomorrow would be so great but I know it won't happen. Ohhh well.

This week has been crazy. Monday I had cheer and Faith Forward then I went out for ice cream and hung out with Adam. Yesterday, Aly and I gave a presentation about Blanket Fairies for a group of old baptist ladies out of town, which was fun and exciting but took up the entire evening (plus we went out to Starbucks to celebrate my college acceptance!). Tonight I have cheeer and danceydance plus going to get foods with Meghan cause neither of us have any at our homes. Sad lives, I know. Tomorrow is actually a calm-ish night but I have to write a horror story for my AP Lit class. Not looking forward to that. At all. I'm so uncreative it's ridiculous and I hate scary movies and things so I lack ideas hardcore. We'll see how that goes... Then Friday is our school's play and Saturday is the intercity dance company's fall recital! Busy, but I'd rather be busy than have nothing to do!

helllllz yes imma billiken!

Monday, November 7, 2011


Weee! This is a really quick post before I leave for cheer and the rest of my exciting evening. Today was a really gloomy Monday outside, but it was an overall good day! I mean, my classes were boring as usual... but the rest of things were great! We got cap and gown order forms for graduation. That means it's real... which is really really scary for me. Especially since I haven't heard from SLU. God is really testing my patience with this one... and I'm about to lose my mind. In other news, my phone has been acting up and I'm getting really close to throwing it at a wall. Thank goodness my birthday is in 16 days. Speaking of which... anyone got good birthday party ideas? Cause I sure don't. Oh shit... I just realized I left my AP Lit homework at school.... guess I'll be going in early to work on that tomorrow. That sucks. It's not likely I would have actually worked on it tonight though... so it doesn't really matter I suppose. Pandora is playing my favorite mellow songs all in a row and its awesomeee... Fall for You, Hey There Delilah, Closer to Love, Imagine, Daughters... so much goodness!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Even though I have about a million negative things on my mind, I'm really happy. Yesterday was an incredibly good day for me. I went out to lunch with Kristi (hi kristiiii, since i know you're reading thisss) at Buffalo Wild Wings, which is a long standing tradition for us. I hadn't hung out with her in FOREVER so it was good to catch up! Then I spent the afternoon printing out new pictures for my room (and I mean I literally printed probably over 50 pictures) and watching Grey's Anatomy with my daddy. It was wonderful! In the evening, I went with Adam, my incredible speech dominating boyfriend (he got first in SOS, again!) , to see his schools play. It was so much better than ours will be, but it was kind of dull. During the whole show, both of our stomachs were growling so we went and got pizza afterwards, but we were started out being the only people in the whole restaurant. And then when a big group of weird old people came, they sat riiiight behind us. So we spent the rest of the time being our strange selves and getting crazy looks from them. I laughed so hard it was ridiculous. Today I'm hanging out with Meggo, so things should continue to be on the up and up! Plus, with daylight savings, I got extra sleep, which is GREAT! Hopefully my good mood continues!!

i don't have any pictures from today... so you get more of meg and i from last weekend!

Friday, November 4, 2011

in time.

I'm so incredibly happy it's Friday. Life is gooood. School was incredibly boring, as per usual. But tonight, my friends and I went out to celebrate Emily's birthday! We got dessert at Olive Garden and then went to see In Time - which was FANTASTIC, in case you were wondering. But now, I'm exhausted... which is super pathetic when you think about it since I did absolutely nothing all day today except sit around. Ehh, such is life. Tomorrow is going to be a lazy sort of day, and I'm looking forward to catching up on some Grey's Anatomy with my daddy. Today is the sort of day that makes me thankful for everything I have and everyone in my life. I usually forget how incredibly blessed I really am.

my hair is wet... not greasy. and yes, i am in fact wearing a twilight sweatshirt... bought straight from forks and i'm proud of itt.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

new look.

Sometimes, I get bored. Today is one of those days. It's gross and rainy outside so I decided to use my precious free time to change the look of my blog. I'm not really sure if I'm crazy about it or not yet... we'll see. Um... that's about all I have to say. I took a nap today in senior service and it was great.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Today, I'm feeling really blah. I've been really hyper for the last 2 days... like, to the extreme, which gets to be really annoying. But cheer started back up this week so I've been running all over the place from activity to activity with very little time in between. To think, it's only been 3 days of this... I have another 3-4 months with it only getting worse. On top of all of this, I STILL haven't heard from SLU about my acceptance/rejection. Grrrr... frusturating.
i cleaned my bed.