Friday, November 11, 2011


It's 11.11.11! Obviously, this is a big deal. And of course I made a wish at 11:11 and I plan to make another one in a little over an hour. I've had several people ask me what I wished for, but clearly if I told them, it wouldn't come true. Today has been an un-extravagant day other than the fact that it's 11.11.11. After school today, I was in my garage cleaning my car (yes, I cleaned my car!) and when Meghan came over. She asked me if I had seen the protesters down the street. I clearly had not, so we chased after them, but couldn't catch up. Considering I live in a peaceful upper-middle class neighborhood, we don't get a lot of protests.. and by that I mean we don't ever have any. But there were a bunch of anti-war protesters there today for some reason. It was craaazy. Then I went to the fall play at school. Although the acting sucked ass, it was hilarious and I literally laughed through the entire thing. Soooo funny!

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