Monday, December 5, 2011


I haven't blogged in LONG time. But then again, I've been extraordinarily busy. I don't even really have time to be blogging right now, but I'm not sure when my next free moment will be. I just wanted to do a quick post to prove I haven't forgotten about my little bloggy. Everything's going well, there's just lots going on to get ready for Christmas and finals and all that jazz. ANDDD, I just got an email saying my iPhone has been shipped and is on its way!! Sooo excited!

Songs keeping me sane (because let's be honest, without my iPod, I'd be a much less agreeable person)...
1) Pictures of You - The Last Goodnight
2) Superman - Five for Fighting
3) Little Lies - David Barnes
4) Mother to the Moon - Jason Myles Goss

in my opinion, pointe is the most beautiful form of dance. i always wanted to be a pointe dancer but because of injuries and other problems, it never happened. the technique and skill required for it is astounding.

i went to see my school of dance's production of the nutcracker this weekend and it was fabulous! 

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