Friday, July 20, 2012


One month and two days. Holy poop, that isn't very long. I feel like college, that elusive, noncommittal being in the future, came up out of nowhere and I'm suddenly floundering in attempts to not forget anything. I've been buying the things I'll need like a crazy person and probably buying waaaay too much. I mean, do I really need a bed bug cover, feather mattress pad, mattress protector, sheets, comforter, blankets, pillow, pillow cases, bed bug pillow protector, and body pillow with cover just to sleep at night? Probably not. But I'm not gonna leave that up to chance. I definitely don't want to end up with bed bugs. And I've been assured by all the lovely sales people that it's all completely necessary. Then there's the kitchen supplies and the desk supplies and the bathroom supplies and the everything else stuff. Who knew it took so much! So yeah... I have lists upon lists upon lists. On top of that, I leave for Ireland in four days and six flags in two days. Therefore no free time in my foreseeable future.

In other news, this week has been pretty chill, just catching up on sleep from the TEC weekend. Until I went to see The Dark Knight Rises at midnight last night... then went to work at 8 this morning. I'm pretty much exhausted right now. But my heart is breaking for the families and victims of the Batman shooting in Colorado. I honestly don't know what would possess someone to commit such a horrible crime against completely innocent people. Seventy one people were shot. That's more than 3/4 of my graduating class. Like, that's a lot of people. I just can't even fathom it. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone effected by this horrible tragedy.

Hopefully exciting things will happen in my life soon because right now, things are helllllla boring to blog about. I guess once college comes, it'll really spice things up! So many new experiences in my future! I'm so nervous but I also can't wait!!

"She took the leap and built her wings on the way down."

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