Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I seriously have nothing to do which is why I've been blogging so much recently. I mean, I guess I could be studying but that's so not my style... which will probably come back to bite me in the ass when I take my first test on Monday in Biology. But all my friends are doing homework right now which means I have nothing to do, so logically I should do my homework but I've never been the logical type. Last night, we had initiation for APO, a service fraternity so that was fun, we got to get all dressed up and look pretty for it, which is a rare occurrence aside from mass on Sunday. Then tonight, there's a profit share for charity at the Flying Cow which is a FroYo place not too far off campus. There's a huge group of us going and none of us have been there yet so it's really exciting! This weekend holds all sort of fun things - a floor trip to the zoo, shopping, slutty Saturday, hopefully Finding Nemo in 3D on a triple date (assuming things between Ben and I have figured themselves out...) and then studying, which definitely is not fun. Oh, and on Friday night, there's a huge club baseball team 'fundraiser' party that all of our friends are going to so we'll probably go for a little bit and then come back and have a girls night, complete with chick flicks, nail painting, face masks and gossip. All the good stuff. And on Saturday we're hopefully getting a new pet fish for Alex since hers died a few weeks ago. It was traumatic. So anyway, its sure to be a long, busy, exciting weekend!!

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