Friday, July 13, 2012

friday da 13th.

I actually did stuff at work this mornings. What has life become?! Usually on Fridays, I sit and count tiles but today they actually kept us busy! We made folders and stocked baby warmers and put stickers on things and used a label maker! It's really pathetic when that's a highlight of my day. Now I'm sitting in my office waiting for my friend to call from Ireland! She said she'd call sometime between noon and four my time which means I could be sitting here waiting for a while. Which is actually fine cause I don't really have anything else to do anyway. Um... so I just found this patch of skin on my arm that's a gross and flaky and I don't know why.... sorry, random tangent. Tonight, I have to work, and Tanmay will be gone so it'll just be me, Sam and John, but John doesn't even do anything... so really it'll just be me and Sam. So we'll be reallllly busy. Then I have to go over to TEC where I'll be spending the rest of my weekend... YAY! But for now, I'm stuck sitting by the phone, waiting for it to ring. Which is hella boring. Meh. Also, my hair is wavy today. In case you were wondering.

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