Friday, July 6, 2012

growing up.

I guess I'm giving this blog a comeback. Thanks Laura for inspiring me to get back on the blog train. When I got a tumblr a few months ago, I kind of gave up this thinking that would be the same but guess what, it's not! So you missed some seriously important events, senior prom, spring musical, graduation, graduation party, NYC trip... I've been a busy girl! But now life is changing and I'm starting a new chapter in my life. Heading off to college in a month and a half, I want to record this next step just like I recorded my (beginning/middle of) senior year. I love looking back at my old posts and remember what a dork I was. We'll see how often I actually update this. Who knows, maybe my mom and dad will read this to keep up with me while I'm in St. Louis... I guess that means I'll have to control my language. Struggle of the century. 

With college right around the corner, I've been thinking a lot about who I am and who I want to become. After seeing Channing Tatum's new movie, Magic Mike, I realized that I'm not your average young woman. To be honest, I felt scummy after seeing it and like I seriously needed to go to confession. #catholickidproblems I know.. I was supposed to take Jenna and Alyssa to go see it, but I can't bring myself to take them knowing how it is. Maybe I'm a prude or an old fart at the ripe age of 18 but that's just not the kind of girl I want to be. I'm finding that in college, my options will be even more than I imagined and I don't want to be the girl who wastes her life living for the temporary things in the moment. I want to change the world, which may sound cliche but I want my life to mean something more. Now I'm probably just aimlessly babbling and I should go to bed... it's 12:20 at night after all. I'll probably look back at this post in the morning or 10 years from now and laugh at myself, but that's part of the fun of a blog, right? We'll just go with that I guess.

Hopefully I'll start getting into the habit of blogging more and such... nothing exciting, probably more of a personal life log than anything else. It'll be interesting to see what happens one year from now and how my life has worked out.

"One day, your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching."

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