Monday, October 17, 2011


You can always tell what kind of night I had by how I do my hair the next morning. If its straightened or styled, you know I had a boring night and slept well. If its wet in the morning, you know I fell asleep before I could take a shower. If its in a headband with a ponytail, you know I was either just lazy as fuck when I woke up, I had a bad night or I slept horribly. This is the look I was rocking today. It's a combination of oversleeping and still having homework to do this morning as well as having an awful nights sleep last night. I literally slept for 3 solid hours and then hardly at all from 2:00 til 6:00... then I fell asleep and had to wake up at 6:30... and didn't hear my alarm. However, last night wasn't bad. In fact, it was quite the opposite... Adam came over and we watched Rent live on broadway, which happens to be my favorite movie. It was pretty much perfect, especially since I've been struggling with all of that lately. But he was over til like 9:30 and then I still had to do a lot of homework. Soooo... yeah. You probably didn't care about any of that. But now you know anywaaay. Time to go study for another painful psych test. 

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