Thursday, September 8, 2011

sidewalk chalk.

This has been a goooood week. I don't exactly remember the last time I blogged... but it's whatever. Yesterday was especially wonderful. But, let's backtrack. On Monday we went dress shopping and all 3 of us found dresses! I absolutely LOVE my dress and the shoes I got to go with it. It's totally different from anything I've ever worn before, so I'm excited. Ohhh, and I finally got asked to homecoming too :) I mean, I knew I was going to have a date (I have a boyfriend after all...) but I was waiting for the official ask... ya know? It was soooo cute... he chalked my driveway with a bunch of inside jokes and such and then he was waiting for me down the road. I loved it :D So then we went swimming and it was marvelous!

In other news, cheer is sucky... I hate running laps as punishment for something I didn't do. I also LOVE when the other base doesn't catch the flyer and I get all the weight... so fun. And dance is wonderfuuul. My old lady class is getting bigger and some younger people are joining so its alrighttt.

All my friends have been sick lately and I've been crossing my fingers that I don't get it and until today, I was doing AWESOME. And then as I was sitting in psychology I was like, my nose is stuffy. Ever since I've been blowing my nose and sniffling like a crazy person. I'm not too happy about it, but I guess I'll survive...

bummer... this picutre didn't really turn out. well, it was a dead cat and said 'you killed it! 100 points!' ...don't ask. i <3'd it.

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