Monday, October 8, 2012


At home, there was such a thing as privacy. People didn't have to know the things you didn't want them to know. Here, there's no such thing. Everyone knows everything, or likes to think they know, what happens behind closed doors. And they give you endless shit about it. Ben and I are dating... yes, we make out when the door is closed. But you have no idea about anything what happens other than that. No, his sweater was not off. No, that mark on my neck is not a hickey, I burnt myself on my fucking straightener. Yes, my chin is really red and dry but it's mostly because the weather is changing and my face gets really dry, not scruff burn. I know that you're Ben's best friend and you think that means you need to know everything that happens but leave me alone. Like, do not harass me about it. It's a 24/7 thing too. It's all she says to me is random shit about what Ben and I do in private. And then last night, I was just sitting next to him on the futon and just gets up, tackles him and sits on his fucking face. What the hell? Then she was talking about cum (disgusting conversation topic, right?) and was like 'Ben, I swear to God if you get cum on this couch.' I was just like "uh.... there are so many reasons that won't happen..." but she just keeps pushing it. The kicker was when she said "Ben, have you gotten your dick stroked yet?" while I was sitting right there. Who the hell says that. For real. So finally I was just like "Christy, it's not funny, stop." And then she got all pissy and refuses to talk to me now. Cool. And Ben is like, 'she wants me to side with her because we're so close, but you're my girlfriend and I don't know what to do.' I don't even know why she has a side to take to be honest. Did I do something wrong by not wanting her harassing me all the time? Like, I don't understand why she's so angry with me. At all. I just want to keep my private life private, is that too much to ask? Any input anyone?

In other news, I died a strand of my hair pink for breast cancer awareness month. I love it! It's so bright and Maggie-tastic!

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