Tuesday, October 9, 2012

this is high school all over again.

DRAMA. So, the whole thing happened Sunday night and all day it was so awkward. I went to the Cardinal's playoff game last night (which was soooo much fun!) with Alex, Nicole, Brad, Conor and Christine, so I got my mind off the issue for a bit. Then when I got back, I tried to put away my clothes from the laundry I'd done earlier and Ben just barges in and starts tearing me down. Dominique was in the room and everything and he just went off like about how I forced him into and uncomfortable situation and on and on and on. So he finally left and I went into Rachel's room and cried for like 20 minutes... then skyped Alyssa, which made everything better :) But then after a shower, I decided I just needed to talk to Christy and be straight up with her about everything. We talked for a little bit and everything is still going to be really awkward but at least everything is out in the open now. Ben came down and he and I talked for a little bit too, which helped. I just don't want it to have to be this way all the time... ya know? Like, I thought I left the drama in high school...

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