Monday, September 17, 2012

this only happens to me.

Why is it that I date guys that everyone else thinks are gay? I get back from going home for the weekend and I find that Ben has gone shopping.... and bought cardigans, v-necks and skinny jeans. Da fuck? And I'm wearing a tshirt that he has too tonight and he just said to me in an incredibly feminine voice "we could wear matching t-shirts sometime!" and Alex almost died laughing. Seriously... I don't even know what I'm doing with my life right now. He's such an amazing guy and apparently he's really into me but I don't know how I feel and I still feel emotionally damaged from the whole Adam situation and so I seriously am losing my mind. I don't have a clue what to do. Today, we were supposed to go get lunch but I had killer cramps so we just cuddled and I took a nap and it was perfect in everyday but there's always people around so there's no such thing as privacy and I really don't do PDA. At all. Like, I hate it. A lot. And everyone on our floor things we're freaking perfect so that puts me in an even more compromising situation. Did I mention that he tells the same story like fifty fucking times in a row? It gets real old, real fast. And this little old blog is the only place I can vent, so here it is. If anyone has some expert relationship advice, let me know cause lord knows I need it.

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